The CBRE Global Real Assets Fund (‘the Fund’) is an actively managed 'Fund of Funds' offering Australian wholesale investors access to a globally diversified portfolio of real estate and infrastructure assets, including both listed securities and direct investments, with daily liquidity.
The Fund has exposure to four underlying funds actively managed by CBRE Investment Management’s specialist investors from the Private Real Estate, Private Infrastructure and Listed Real Asset teams. The target asset allocation for the Fund is 70% listed securities and 30% unlisted securities.
The following information is only available to professional advisers. By clicking the Agree button below, you confirm that you are a professional adviser.
Agree* Includes the Fund’s management fee of 1.20% p.a. and is exclusive of the Underlying Fund’s estimated costs of 0.09% p.a.
** Each Listed Asset Fund hedges foreign currency exposure to AUD. To maintain an unhedged exposure to AUD exchange rate fluctuations, the Fund uses derivatives to reverse the effect of currency hedging contracts at the Listed Asset Fund level. This process of multiple currency hedges nets off, leaving the Fund unhedged.
# CIML processes redemption requests on a best endeavours basis, subject to factors like available cash and the Fund's ability to redeem from the Underlying Funds. CIML has discretion to accept, partially accept, or reject redemption requests. Requests received and accepted by 2pm (Sydney time) on the last Business Day of the month are processed using the Redemption Date as the last Calendar Day of the month. Due to illiquid assets, CIML implements measures including monthly and annual caps on redemptions, and pro rata processing for requests exceeding these caps.
** Performance is for the CBRE Global Real Assets Fund ('the Fund') - Class A, and is based on month end unit prices in Australian Dollars . Net return is calculated after Fund management fees, operating costs and taxation. Individual Investor level taxes are not taken into account when calculating net returns. This is historical performance data. The value of an investment can rise and fall and past performance is not indicative offuture performance. All figures disclosed within this report are net of GST and RITC. Investors are reminded to seek independent financial advice before making investmentdecisions based on this performance data. Benchmark refers to the Reserve Bank of Australia - Target Cash Rate +5.00% p.a.
This is general information only and is not intended to provide advice or recommendations to any particular investor or potential investors in relation to holding, purchasing or selling units in the CBRE Global Real Assets Fund ARSN 640 366 301 (the 'Fund'), nor does it take into account an individual’s investment objectives, circumstances or needs. Potential investors should make their own independent assessment of the information contained on this webpage and this website, in general, and seek their own independent professional advice in relation to the information and any action taken on the basis of the information. Nothing contained on this webpage and this website, in general, is or shall be relied upon as a promise or representation, whether as to the past or the future. The value of an investment can rise and fall and past performance is not indicative of future performance. Decisions to acquire, sell or continue to hold units in the Fund should only be made after considering the information contained in a current Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS') and Target Market Determination (‘TMD’) for the Fund. Applications to invest will only be accepted if made on an application form available by request. The Responsible Entity and issuer of units in the Fund is Channel Investment Management Limited ACN 163 234 240 AFSL 439007 (‘CIML’). Channel Capital Pty Ltd ACN 162 591 568 AR No. 001274413 distributes the Fund and is the holding company of CIML. Further information published by CBRE Investment Management may be found on their official website at
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